Tabrets: tamburin-tamburin; pipes: seruling-seruling (alat music tiup)
Musik Rock atau yang sekarang popular dengan nama musik Heavy Metal adalah suatu budaya modern yang menguasai dunia remaja di banyak belahan Dunia. Iblis dengan terang-terangan menampakan dirinya pada musik keras ini bukan sekedar dari penampilan para rockernya saja tapi juga kita bisa lihat pada simbol-simbol yang mereka pakai dan kehidupan narkoba dan free-sex mereka dan para penggemar musik Heavy Metal tersebut.
Di bawah ini beberapa pengakuan dari rockers dan orang-orang yang terlibat dengan para rocker:
“They’re COMPLETELY ANTI-CHRIST. I mean, I am anti-Christ as well, but they’re so anti-Christ they shock me which isn’t an easy thing.” Derek Taylor, Press Officer for the Beatles (Saturday Evening Post, Aug. 8, 1964).
Jim Morrison admitted that Satan was the source of his music:
“I met the Spirit of Music. . . . An appearance of the devil in a Venice canal. Running, I saw a Satan or Satyr, moving beside me, a fleshly shadow of my secret mind, . . .” (The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison, p. 36-38)
Ray Manaxrek of the Doors, says of Morrison:
“He was not a performer. He was not an entertainer. He was not a showman. He was a shaman. He was possessed.”
Diff: Shaman is in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination. ( Seperti seorang dukun dalam budaya Indonesia.
Rock star, Marilyn Manson, proudly boasts:
“Hopefully, I’ll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity.” (Spin, August 1996, p. 34)
Manson, an ordained “reverend” in the Church of Satan, mutilates himself on stage (1 Kings 18:28), rips-up the Holy Bible, and spews “blasphemies” against the Lord Jesus Christ. Manson’s T-Shirts declare,
Manson claims his album Antichrist Superstar came via “supernatural-inspiration”:
“I heard this album as finished, I heard it in dreams . . . It was like the revelations of John the Baptist or something.” (huH, Oct. 1996, p.34)
Manson’s “hope” for Antichrist Superstar,:
“I think every time people listen to this new album maybe God will be destroyed in their heads. . .” (huH, Oct. 1996, p.37)
Manson’s “blasphemy” is not just an act. Manson readily admits there’s more to the show than meets the eye:
“I don’t know if anyone has really understood what we’re trying to do. This isn’t just about shock value . . . that’s just there to lure the people in. Once we’ve got them we can give them our MESSAGE.” (Hit Parader, Oct. 1996, p.28)
The group Manowar, sings in “The Bridge of Death”:
“Dark Lord, I summon thee
Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . .
Take My lustful soul Drink my blood as I drink yours . . .
musik rock dan metal, khususnya yang underground, pada dasarnya merupakan musik perlawanan terhadap kondisi sosial. musik yang membangkang. Jadi tema satanisme mungkin hanya untuk melawan sifat manusia yang terlalu religius. Banyak lagu-lagu seperti 'Aku Adalah Tuhan (Beside)' dan 'Surga di Bawah Telapak Kaki Anjing (Funeral Inception)' yang dari lihat judulnya, sepertinya satanisme. Namun jika kita baca lirik dan maknanya, temanya tidak seperti judulnya...
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